Cookie information

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or device when you visit our sites.

Purpose of cookies

We use cookies so that you can visit our websites and shop on them more efficiently. We also use cookies to make our sites easier to use and for us to understand your shopping behavior.

How we use cookies

We use cookies to:
  • save your login information;
  • identify you when you log in to our site;
  • Remember the products you put in your shopping cart by navigating through the different pages while browsing, going to the purchase page, or stopping browsing before making a purchase.
  • collect information that will help us send you advertising that is relevant to your interests;
  • Save your browsing preferences, that is, your preferred language, text size, page layout, or color. This allows you to navigate our site much faster and easier;
  • collect analytical information, such as the number of visitors to our sites, as well as information about which pages of our site you visit most often. We use the obtained analytical information for marketing and resource planning purposes;
  • understand whether our customers and visitors are easily adapting to the changes we sometimes make to our sites.

Information we collect with cookies

Cookies help us collect information about how you use our site, but we do not store information in our cookie data that could identify you. We only store the unique session ID number, which will allow you to get useful information about your user profile and settings the next time you visit our site.

Types of cookies

  • Session cookies - These types of cookies are temporarily stored on your computer or device during a browsing session and are deleted from your computer or device at the end of the browsing session.
  • Persistent cookies - These types of cookies are stored on your computer for a long time. Persistent cookies are used when we need to know who you are in more than one browsing session.

Cookie management

In most browsers, you will find the option to manage cookies, which can be done by adjusting or configuring cookie settings. Generally, the browser will allow you to:
  • view your cookies;
  • allow cookies;
  • disable all or specific cookies;
  • disable all cookies after closing the browser;
  • block cookies;
  • receive an alert when you receive a cookie.

Please note that if you use browser settings that block our cookies, you may not be able to access some parts of our website, such as shopping cart, order management or personalzation may not be provided and may affect your browsing experience. If you select a browser option that deletes all cookies, your browser selection will be deleted when you close the browser.

Please note that if you have not set your browser settings by refusing to accept cookies, our system will issue cookies as soon as you visit our website.

More information about cookies

For more information about cookies, you can visit: